Poverty in America

The United States of America is known as the land of opportunity and even considered one of the richest countries in the world. So why does poverty in America seem to be a growing problem the government lacks in providing solutions for? There are millions of Americans that do not understand why their next door neighbor does not have enough food to eat, or a person with a college degree cannot find a job. Some people even believe the government is trying to get rid of programs meant to help people get by when they are trying to get back on their feet.

Poverty may have a different perspective depending on who you ask. This can be part of the problem in trying to find the right solution. There are studies that continue to track the poverty rate in America with many showing it is on the rise for various reasons. There are employers that claim they cannot afford to pay their workers more money. There are people not in a position to work due to health issues, lack of skills, or limited resources available toward self-improvement. Crime and violence is on the rise in areas that cannot afford protection for its citizens.

Poverty seems to attract or promote unhealthy lifestyles while making it difficult for people to make a change for the better. Limited funding seems to be the focal point for many areas including nonprofits, federal programs, and even the working poor. It is obvious there is kinks in the system that need to be worked out in order to see more positive growth for people affected by poverty. At the same time, it is possible there are laws making it more challenging for people to see the change they want at an acceptable pace.

Overtime, it seems it is becoming more difficult to understand the path poverty is taking in America. While access to money seems to be the root of the problem, how it is being viewed by politicians, local and state governments, along with blue collar workers are all different. The way the problem is viewed raises new concerns with possible solutions. Few feel there is not enough focus on finding a suitable remedy. Others feel self-centered greedy parties are to blame and people who are simply not doing enough themselves to see the change they think the country needs.

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