The Essentials Of Efficient Thesis Editing For Dummies

The process of editing your thesis can seem overwhelming when you think about how important this paper is to your academic career. Editing is an essential step often minimized or even overlooked by many students. If you are editing your own thesis, here are some essentials for you to check:

  1. Remember the purpose of editing is to make your paper more readable. If your reader has to stumble over spelling mistakes, get confused by poor grammar usage, or be annoyed by improper word usage, then your paper is in trouble. Editing should be taken seriously, as it has the power to really polish up your paper and make it shine.

  2. Editing should look at improving your paper in these ways: structure - does your writing flow smoothly and logically? Is it efficient? Language and style - consistence in your writing as well as the use of good grammar helps the reader concentrate on discovering the answer to your research question.

  3. What style is required for your discipline? For example, American Psychological Association (APA), Chicago style, and so on. The style will determine how your pages are numbered, how citations are referenced, the layout on the paper including margin size, font, whether an abstract is required, how the lines appear on the cover and title page, and more details regarding your thesis paper.

  4. The requirements of your school of study. There may be additional requirements that have been added to the style guide you have to follow. For example, the weight of paper used for printing, how the thesis should be bound, etc.

  5. Check your table of contents and make sure the page numbers are all correct. You will need to do this by looking up each one of them. Are the chapters in a logical order? Are all the references to tables, charts, and appendices correct? Do they all appear on the correct pages?

  6. Read the introduction and then the conclusion. They should be similar but worded differently. The conclusion should summarize the argument you presented in the introduction. Read through the body and make sure each point of the question has been answered and sufficiently supported with evidence.

  7. Proofreading should be the final step after all the other editing is done. Don't rely on a spell checker alone, as it will not pick up improper word usage. To be more efficient, ask a friend to proofread your thesis after you.

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